Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jet lagged but moving on...

Today is Sunday.  Happy Easter! I have been awake since 4:00am.
Yesterday, we got in at 11:00am Paris time. I took an ambien (a whole one) at 10:00pm on the flight. My mind just kept jumping around from subject to subject. Not a whole lot of sleep on the plane.

Once we got off the plane and collected our bags, we headed for an exit or "sortie".  Did you know that those dogs you sometimes see in the airports have the most amazing sense of smell! As we walked past a group of police officers, one of the dogs jumped up and indicated Tim's backpack.  Busted. Mr. Police officer pulled us aside and asked if had any cannabis with us. "No sir. No cannabis with us but we do have a cannabis pipe. We are headed to Amsterdam." He politely asked if he could search our bags. He found the pipes, put them back, told the dog to sniff out the rest of our bags and then said, "OK, you can go." The whole thing took about 40 seconds.  Had we been in USA it would have been a 2 hour strip search and all kinds of paperwork. Crazy.

We arrived at our hotel and all I could do was strip down and climb in the bed. It was 12:30pm. I passed out for 6 hours. No ambien. I can't remember the last time I fell asleep on my own. It was amazing!
We got up, went back to airport and got the rental car.  For those of you who don't know me, I am extremely directionally challenged. If I walk out a door and have a 50/50 chance of picking the right direction, 9 times out of 10 I will go the wrong way.  This doesn't bother me in the least as I know I will eventually get myself straightened out.  I think it bugs the shit out of Tim.  LOL So, needless to say, I am the driver and he is navigator on this trip.  The car is a Volvo.  My height is all in my torso. This car is very short, so my head almost touches the roof. It is also a stick shift.  There are times in my life I am extremely grateful that my first car was a stick and that my dad patiently taught me how to drive one.  I still felt a little panicky as Tim started to get really frustrated with the navigation system (which we didn't think the car came with!) We got it figured out and off we went! Back to the hotel, 10 minutes away.

We went for a walk, looking for a restaurant.  It was a very beautiful walk but nothing seemed to be open. Could it be because it was 9pm on Saturday night before Easter Sunday? Could be I guess. So, back at the hotel, we paid an astronomical amount of money for a burger and pasta. We thought about eating the rabbit in recognition of Easter, but I was afraid there are kids at home who would be mad at me if the Easter Bunny didn't show up cuz we ate him. HA HA

Back in bed by 10:30pm and passed out again. Woke up at bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4am.  Jet lag is such a bitch.  We are showered and ready to hit the road to Brugges, Belgium.

Yesterday I think we were to tired for any pics. We just forgot.
That was day 1 of our "euro"tic trip.

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